It has been tough going through the undergrowth. But here is a stream and a boat. All I have to do is loosen it from its moorings and let the current take me.
Do you allow yourself to go with the flow?
"Just go with the flow," people say. That's easier said than done when you aren't anywhere near a river, or when the knot that holds the boat is old and tight. But even then tightening our muscles or efforting away at it is not going to help. Resting into the moment, allowing the situation to teach us, helps us find the way out more easily. Letting go will loosen the knot and free us to step into the boat. Then the current can take us to a new adventure.
What knot is keeping you moored?
If we want to use the boat, we must free the knot that holds it. We must face the pain in the dark places, and then let it go. This will bring us to our larger identity, connected to All Our Relations. It is a place where we can rest, knowing that the boat will hold us, no matter what. And as we sleep, we travel still and come closer to our truth.
Do you trust that the currents of life will take you to your destiny?
Sword Six is a gateway from troubled times to protection, safety and trust. A knotty issue is freed and we are able to rest and journey at the same time.
Sword Six, like all sixes, is associated with the Surrender Moon.