Archives for 2012 Cauldron

A new experiment
A new beginning
Seeds sleeping in the Earth
Finding the sacred within
Eco-renovation for the good of all beings
Westacre Day - just a month away
A warm welcome at Westacre
Saying goodbye
Autumn colours
Choosing my dream
The nature of spirits
Into the dark
Spread a bit thin
A look in the mirror
Anticipated goodbyes
Tree people and spirits of place
The inner child
A moment of rest
All change
Self care for adventurous times
Ancestral connections
New roots
I want to go play!
The centre and the edge
Doing it right
Grounding the buzz
From Ceremony to Ritual
Walkabout is not my thing
The magic of connection
It's getting scary
Love of all existences
The gift of presence
"All manner of thing shall be well"