
We all need more magical connections.

By connection I mean any link or relationship you have with the world around you. With other people, of course, but also with the other living beings and objects around you. All these connections keep you alive and make you the person you are.

These connections become magical when you feel life flowing through them. They are the connections that make your heart sing. They give you strength and the joy of living. They keep you resilient in a world full of challenges.

Whenever you feel depleted, angry, or overwhelmed by the sorrows of this world, what you need is to turn towards another living being and become mindful of your connection with them. Send it your love and blessings, and you will feel your connection come alive. When you take time to open your senses and to listen, that relationship will feed you, body and soul. It's magical.

At the heart of the word ' connection ' is the Latin 'nexus', which means 'that which binds together'. Although in our Western civilisation we have forgotten it, we are bound to each other - humans and other-than-human beings - by a million million threads. The more vibrant and alive we keep those threads, the more resilient we are.

The threads of connection make us part of the community of life. That community is our birthright as human beings, as children of the Earth. With the strength of that wide community behind us, we can take a stand against the destructive forces of our civilisation. We stand together for the flourishing of all beings.

To help you explore the threads that bind you to the natural world, I created The Magic of Connection, my free nine-part meditation course. This practice has seen me through some rough times, and I return to it again and again.

Over time, I will create more courses, rituals and meditations to help you deepen the magic of your connections. You can also explore my collection of practices to sustain and inspire you.

Will you make this magic with me?