
Why do I do this? Why do I put myself through courses like Living Druidry? Why do I stick to daily practice and invest time in all this spiritual stuff? What's the point?

All my life I have had this longing, this yearning to feel connected. When I was younger, I wanted to always feel my connection with God, to always have part of me open to him. As I grew older, and my concept of the Divine changed, that longing changed into a desire to be awake and aware, to be conscious of the life I am living with every breath. And that is why I do this. To feel the connection. To make love to this life, this aliveness in all things that is beautiful and precious to me. Every time I take a break from my life to feel that connection again, I work towards feeling it more acutely, and more consistently.

Mind you, feeling it consistently is not easy. Being very awake and feeling all those threads of connection with Spirit in all its forms can be overwhelming. I can't yet do it for very long. So a few breaks in my life each day, just to re-connect, are necessary. Because this is what it is all about. Surely the point of life is to live it, as fully as we can.

A couple of months ago I had this thought: if Death came for me now, what would I like her to find me doing? The answer was simple, and powerful. I would like to be found making love to life. Perhaps under a tree, feeling its life force rising through me. Or perhaps enjoying a meal with my husband, savouring every bit. Or maybe dancing to the heartbeat of the earth. All of those would be great times to die.

If that is so, I had better make sure that my life is filled with such moments of intense connection. And that is why I do this. That is why I make love to life whenever I can.