
Bliss. Everything is flowing smoothly. The world is greening. The creative juices are flowing, and everything has fallen into place. There is a feeling of unity. A feeling of expansion. All is one. We are at one with the world.

Where is your bliss?

Flowering is dancing to the heartbeat of the Land. And the rhythm of the heartbeat can be found in any place,, at any time. Even when life fells painful, we can hear the beat if we care to sit still long enough to listen and to feel.

The Flowering of Logres reminds people that they are part of the Earth, part of the World. It reminds them that the Joy of the world is their joy, the springtime of the Land is their springtime. People who dance to the rhythm of Her heartbeat, are Her dance. All is One.

Can you feel the heartbeat of the Land?

Flowering happens when you let the flow of life carry you. The gift of the Flowering is the joy to be found in every step on the path. We embody the Flowering by answering the call of our passion. Answer the call with your whole being, the wounded as well as the skilled. If all of you doesn't answer, there is no dance.

Which part of you must you embrace?

One person flowering in all their talents is the flowering of the Land and all its creatures. We can experience the Unity of all things in everything we do, feel and say. And we can experience it at any point on the Wheel of Life.