
It is a time of transition. We have come to a new phase in our life. It is good go acknowledge this initiation by celebrating it. But then comes the choice: do we remain in the place that is familiar to us, or do we take up the challenge of the unknown?

What transition lies before you?

Weave a garland of your flowering talents. Make beauty out of what has been given you. Can you tell where you belong? What is your place among all your relations? There is a place ready for each of us and our hearts know where it is. Take your gifts to that place and dedicate them to that goal. Strengthen your relationship with the beings who surround you there. In this place, you have a powerful effect on the Web of Life.

What is your place in the Web?

At times we feel lonely and lost. We must confront our fear of being along and challenge it with the truth. We must give up our feelings of inferiority and dedicate ourselves to the work we are destined to do. We choose what resonates with our integrity and let it shine. If we bring spirit and matter together, we win our life. We can stop fighting what we cannot change and stand lightly, as a strand in the Web of Life.

What choice resonates with your integrity?

Our talent and enthusiasm finds a structure in which it can be useful and productive.

Spear Four, like all fours, belongs to the Flower Moon.